
Showing posts from January, 2023

Final Post

 One more for the road (or rather the airways)! Today has been raining most of the day but still managed to get out and about and check out the neighbourhood - absolutely no sign of the snow that covered the city when we first arrived. Evan and Jana had another inspection of their apartment scheduled for today and a two hour open house coming up tomorrow. Looks like they will need to drop their asking price soon, as despite a lot of interest and people really liking the apartment itself there have been no offers and some concerns with some of the body corporate obligations coming up in the future in relation to maintenance and repairs of the building.  Quite a stressful time for them! The neighbourhood in which we are staying has the typical Vancouver houses many of which are being renovated.  The power lines run down rear laneways so the street frontages are beautifully tree lined (although still dominated by parked cars).  Apparently a very desirable area and pricey as well! We will

Only Two More Nights

 Nearing the end of our adventures and unlikely I will have time to post another blog after this but maybe - we'll see. Were able to experience the lovely lighting around Whistler when we went out for an early dinner last night. Fresh snow - first footprints! Travelled back to Vancouver from Whistler today in the rain most of the way, stopping at the former wharf warehouse precinct for lunch on the way back. It has undergone a great redevelopment with restaurants, galleries and even a skating rink. Pa's zip is very engaging apparently. Whistler looking in one direction and then the other !? 'The Chief' in Squamish - a rock climbers' paradise apparently.


Now in Whistler for four nights. Coming in there was an extensive traffic jam heading in the other direction with people heading home after the Christmas/New Year holiday period.  Whistler is huge and from my perspective (an oldie's) too glitzy and overun with lots of the chain stores, including McDonalds and KFC and multiple traffic lights - quite different to Australian ski resorts but the ski slopes are gorgeous - wide and many of them. Today we bought a sightskiing ticket and took a ride up the Whistler gondola, then a glassbottomed gondola (Peak to Peak) between Whistler and Blackcomb and then another gondola down Blackcomb - great views all around today. A lot more snow is forecast over the next few days.  Evan is doing a two day alpine safety training course while we are here.  He started it a year or so ago but couldnget continue because of problems with his boots.  So he is taking advantage of our visit here and having a second go.

Starting the New Year with .... a polar bear swim!

Off to Whistler tomorrow but first Kat, Evan and Jana thought they would start the New Year with a bang by participating in an annual event at English Bay in Vancouver.  Thousands of people take a plunge into the very cool water as part of the Polar Bear Swim. Earlier in the morning it was sunny and it was good to see the peaks appear out of the cloud and the sun to light up some of the city buildings. A height of drinking fountain for all ages and abilities, both human and animal!

Happy New Year to all

 Happy New Year to you all and I hope 2023 brings happiness and good health! Spent the day of New Year's Eve wandering around Stanley Park - just a light rain occasionally so it was a good walk, with lots of black squirrels fossicking for chestnuts.  The mountains were still under cloud so it will be a surprise for any visitors who haven't been to Vancouver before to see them emerge at some stage. I looked after Aayla while the others went out to dinner. Her milestone on the last day of the year was to finally get the hang of drinking out a sip cup!